
All rights reserved.

Noodle Brain Squad respects the rights of original content creators and copyright holders of the web novels featured on this site. We assert that we do not own the original copyrights, which remain with their respective owners. We comply with all associated laws related to the use of copyrighted materials.

Our role lies in providing translations as derivative works of the originals. According to international copyright laws, including those of the United States, we maintain the copyrights over these translations. We have endeavored to ensure these translations are carried out in a legally considerate and ethical manner, adhering to copyright regulations.

We abide by the principles of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), assuring that our translations do not involve unauthorized copying or distribution of copyrighted material. These translations are provided for educational purposes and are not intended for commercial use. Any references to third-party sources are meticulously documented in line with copyright laws.

Additionally, we have implemented a rigorous policy for user-generated content on our platform. This policy strictly prohibits users from posting any material that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others.

Our intention in providing these translations is to enhance the accessibility and understanding of these novels for those who may not be familiar with the original language. We do not seek to infringe upon the rights of the original creators or copyright holders.

We take these measures to avert copyright infringement and violation of any laws concerning the translation and use of copyrighted material online. We must emphasize that any misuse of our translations, unauthorized copying or distribution of them, may infringe upon our copyright over these translated works and will be addressed according to applicable law. We kindly request that all users respect these rights.