I Will Live as an Actor Episode 67

Episode 67

“Can I come too?”

Playwright Jeong Yongdae was on the phone early in the morning. The person on the other end was none other than Kim Seokcheol, the assistant director of the movie The Priest’s Confession. That was the movie where the theater actor who inspired his writing was starring. After some inquiries, he was able to get in touch with his long-time university hoobae, Kim Seokcheol.

– “But Jeong-sunbae, you’re a playwright. Why the sudden interest in movies? Are you only now thinking of switching to films? If that were your plan, you should’ve done it earlier. There were plenty of directors in Chungmuro who wanted to remake your works into films.”

“Man, no matter how hungry I get, I won’t leave the theater scene.”

In fact, Jeong Yongdae was a well-known playwright in South Korea, but contrary to his reputation, his income wasn’t very high. This was because South Korea was practically a barren land for the theater industry. Despite numerous theater artists creating stages in Daehakro, very few people watched them.

As the era shifted towards the film industry, theater was gradually being forgotten. Many theater actors, unable to endure the hunger, either gave up theater or moved to Chungmuro or the broadcasting industry. Jeong Yongdae was no different.

Having made a name for himself as a playwright, he frequently received offers to become a screenwriter for films. There were even offers to remake his plays into movies. However, Jeong Yongdae firmly rejected these offers, saying he wrote plays for the theater, not scripts for movies.

– “So why do you suddenly want to visit our filming location?”

Kim Seokcheol’s indifferent voice came through the receiver. It was only natural; it had been ten years since his university sunbae had contacted him, and now he was suddenly asking to visit the film set.

“There’s someone I want to meet.”

– “Who?”

“Jang Yeongguk, your lead actor.”

For the past two weeks, that man had not left Jeong Yongdae’s mind. The thought of him kept circling in his head, disturbing his sleep and even his ability to write plays. To an outsider, it might have seemed like he was suffering from the pangs of first love.

* * *

“Scene number 109, Punishment for Greed―!”

“The wicked grow like weeds, and in their ignorance of their sins, they are foolish.”

Father Matthew’s voice was solemn, but its content was like chains, tightening around the body as if to punish.

“Why do you seek greed while walking the path of priesthood? How joyful have you been, looking at the wealth that filled your storeroom? Not only did you covet the bodies of young women, but you also destroyed their families. All of this is your sin.”

The Latin tone lingered in the ears. James’s wrinkled eyes trembled violently, as if there was an earthquake. He had never imagined that Father Matthew would know all his dirty secrets. James had tried to walk the path of a devout priest when he was young. However, the temptation he felt as a deacon came back as great desire when he became a priest.

He coveted the wealth of his followers and violated their wives. All of this he did in the name of the one on the cross. He walked a path he should never have walked as a priest. He had fallen so deep into the mire that he no longer realized what he was doing was wrong. Even now, he was relieved that the detectives beyond the interrogation room’s glass wall couldn’t understand Latin.

“Those who act out of greed will eventually meet their death due to their ignorance.”

Damn it.

Bishop James (played by Kim Hyeongseop) couldn’t forget the voice he heard in the interrogation room. And what about those eyes? The cold, piercing gaze that seemed to cut through him still lingered in his mind. Bishop James cursed under his breath and clenched his fist.

Surely he won’t tell the detectives.

James hurriedly left the interrogation room and headed for his bishop’s office. He was worried that Father Matthew, who knew all his dirty secrets, might have stolen the various treasures he had hidden in his office.


Bishop James sighed in greedy relief. The treasures hidden in his office were still there. He placed the treasures on his desk and took out the wine he kept in his office, as if to shake off the momentary fear that had weighed down his shoulders.

“Damn bastard.”

A crimson stream flowed over the wine glass. As Bishop James quenched his thirst, his eyes widened. His whole body began to tremble violently, and his eyes shook as if there was an earthquake.

When the wine glass fell and shattered, the wine spilled onto the bishop’s office floor like blood. Soon, foam formed in Bishop James’s mouth, and he collapsed to the floor. As he fell, he pushed the desk with his hand, causing the treasures on the desk to pour down onto his head.

“James, you are the final sin.”

In his dying gaze, Jacob saw the cross he once believed in. But the one on the cross gave no answer as he looked at James’s head, stained with blood-red wine and greed (treasures).

The next day.

The case was handed over to the prosecution. Detective Seo Dogwang held Father Matthew’s arm as they moved. Outside the police station, reporters who had heard the news were already waiting. Understandably so, with the sixth murder case, the embargo on the reporters had lifted, and articles were being written in droves.

Thanks to this, South Korea was in an uproar over the serial killer. Moreover, the fact that the killer was not an ordinary person but a priest made it an even hotter topic.

“Damn, can’t we just sneak out the back door? This is ridiculous.”

“We can’t help it. We have to go out the front. If we sneak out without showing our faces, what kind of articles do you think the reporters will write? They’ll talk about the incompetence and pathetic nature of the police. At least we can save face because you caught him in the end, Dogwang.”


Seo Dogwang sighed as he looked at his superior, who hadn’t taken off his uniform. He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t tell anyone that the young priest now handcuffed and being escorted by him had actually let himself be caught. As they walked out of the police station, the reporters’ spotlights flashed, and numerous questions rang out like a chorus.

“Is it true that the suspect in the serial killings is an assistant priest?”

No answer came. But everyone could see. The suspect in handcuffs was wearing a black cassock. The white collar around his neck clearly indicated that he was walking the path of priesthood. As the barrage of questions continued.

“You killed six people. Can you tell us your motive?”

At that moment, the young priest suddenly stopped. He looked at the female reporter who had asked the question. Detective Seo Dogwang couldn’t hide his surprise, as the priest had remained silent throughout all interrogations.

Normally, he would have ignored the reporter’s question and continued the escort, but he couldn’t suppress his curiosity. After all, the victims’ ages, residences, and occupations were all different. At that moment,

“Sister, you’re wrong.”

“Excuse me?”

The young priest (Yeongguk) glanced westward, as if looking toward the diocese where Mass was just beginning.

“There were seven.”

* * *

Acting Awards.

Just as soccer players have the Ballon d’Or, drama actors have the Acting Awards, an immensely prestigious occasion. But Yeongguk wasn’t very fond of this place. Like any awards ceremony, the Acting Awards were closely tied to viewership ratings. No matter how good the work was, if the ratings weren’t good, one could end up empty-handed.

“First, I want to apologize to Jang Yeongguk-sunbae. I don’t know if I deserve this award.”

In the past, he had experienced this firsthand. He had certainly shown his best performance as a supporting actor. Media outlets had predicted Yeongguk’s win. As a result, he attended the awards ceremony right after his theater performance ended.

But he ended up empty-handed. The low ratings of the drama played a part, but the decisive reason was his fallout with broadcasting industry officials. But now…

“Yeongguk, you dressed up really nicely today because you’re getting an award, huh?”

Ironically, Yeongguk was now closer than ever with broadcasting industry officials. This was largely because the drama Youth had achieved record ratings for SBC’s drama department and had been sold overseas for a hefty sum, a first in the history of South Korean broadcasting.

Moreover, the Youth was not only popular in Korea but also incredibly popular in Japan. To the broadcasting industry, Yeongguk seemed like a goose that laid golden eggs.

“Noona, you look stunning too.”

The actress Seo Minhye, who was scheduled to walk the red carpet with him, responded. True to her easygoing nature, she interacted comfortably with Yeongguk, as if forgetting or trying to forget the drunken incident from the wrap-up party a few months ago.

The hem of the long dress stood out as if expressing a red rose. After all, the awards ceremony red carpet was bound to be a place where actresses engaged in subtle competition. Maybe that’s why even Seo Minhye, who usually had a casual image, wore such a striking dress.

“Noona, you better hold my arm tightly, or you might fall.”

“I was just about to ask you to link arms. Who would have thought the agency would prepare such a long dress? The CEO insisted that I must stand out at this awards ceremony. Oh my.”

“Actor Jang Yeongguk, Actress Seo Minhye, please make your entrance now.”

With the voice of the awards ceremony host, a luxury sedan glided onto the red carpet. Soon, a bodyguard opened the car door, and Yeongguk, dressed in a tuxedo, got out first and took the hand of Seo Minhye, in her striking red dress, as if escorting her.

“Mr. Yeongguk, please look this way!”

“Ms. Minhye!”


As they walked the red carpet, the shouts of reporters and journalists erupted. Fans from Japan had even arrived to cheer for Yeongguk. Cameras from several broadcasting stations filmed them, impressed by the synchronized chants of “Dojin-sama” from the fans. This was almost a first-time experience for Yeongguk.

If only I had played a lead role before.

Indeed, he had only acted in supporting roles in his past lifeAs a result, he often walked the red carpet with his team and rarely received such attention himself. It was almost the first time he had such enthusiastic fan support. It was then.


Seo Minhye, carefully climbing the red carpet stairs in her heels, stumbled. Reporters hurriedly zoomed in with their cameras. At the moment when an accident might have occurred because of her long dress, Yeongguk instinctively wrapped his arm around Seo Minhye’s waist. It looked like the waist of a woman dancing a passionate tango, bending like a bow.

“Are you okay?”

Seo Minhye’s face turned beet red. With Yeongguk’s help, she quickly straightened up and gave an embarrassed smile.

“I must have looked ridiculous, right? I told them I didn’t want to wear such a cumbersome outfit.”

“Why? It looks good on you. You’re beautiful.”

“You, keep shaking people’s hearts like that, and you’ll get punished.”

Because of an incident at the wrap party, Actress Seo Minhye had completely given up any feelings she had for Yeongguk. No matter how much she looked at him like a sunflower, it meant nothing if he didn’t look back at her.

Now, she thought of Yeongguk as a fellow actor and comfortably linked her arm with his again. Thanks to this, the journalists were delighted. They captured a headline-worthy scene right from the red carpet.

* * *

“The Best Couple Award goes to… Jang Yeongguk and Seo Minhye from Youth!”

I never imagined I would win the Best Couple Award again. Wasn’t I just as bewildered when I received it three years ago as a child actor? But this time, I somewhat expected it. The popularity of the Youth and the character of Kim Dojin was quite high. Moreover, the counterpart role, Jisoo (Seo Minhye), evoked the image of a first love that stirred the hearts of many men.

“Noona, shall we go?”

Skillfully escorting Seo Minhye in her red dress, he ascended to the stage. Numerous actors attending the SBC Acting Awards gave congratulatory applause, and the Japanese and Korean fans in the audience chanted my name as if in competition.


“Kim Dojin―!”

It would be correct to say it was overwhelming. How many awards had we won already? Not just me, but writer Hwang Sugyeong, the supporting actor awards, and even the PD award. The Youth team was sweeping the acting awards ceremony. When I climbed the stage, the surroundings finally became clear.

“Yeongguk, who should go first?”

“Ah, age before beauty, noona.”

“You little—!”

Seo Minhye covered her face with her hand, bowed deeply to the audience, actors, and viewers beyond the live broadcast cameras. Perhaps the Youth held a special place in her heart, because even though it was just the Best Couple Award, Seo Minhye wiped away tears. This prompted the audience to shout, “Don’t cry! Don’t cry!”

Should I cry too?

Somehow, it felt like I should shed tears of emotion as well. After Seo Minhye’s long acceptance speech, it was now my turn. As I moved to stand in front of the microphone, I saw a familiar face among the actors seated at the awards ceremony tables.

Why are you here?

Today had been quite chaotic. I had shaken so many hands and greeted so many people that I could hardly remember who was who. The Drama Department Head had even come down to greet me personally before the awards ceremony started. Consequently, I hadn’t had a chance to greet all the actors attending the ceremony. And among them, I saw one person.

With her arms crossed and a pouty expression…

Yeon Su?

My former Best Couple Award partner.

I Will Live as an Actor

I Will Live as an Actor

Score 9.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: ,
I Will Live as an Actor is a heartwarming story of a young man who grows up poor as the son of a widowed fishmonger. Fueled by a passion for acting, he neglects his mother and her sacrifices, only to regret it when she passes away. In a twist of fate, he is reincarnated back to his youth, just before he went down the wrong path. Determined to live a better life and honor his mother’s memory, he embarks on a journey to become a successful actor while also being a filial son.
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